
* Returns a URL that grants access to vLex without explicitly signing in
* @since Unknown
* @param array $data :
* Containing
* [“external_id”]: Your internal ID of the user.
* [“account_id”]: The corporate account id of the company.
* [“token”] The corporate account token of the company
* @return string : The URL granting access to vLex or NULL when errors occur
function remote_auth($data) {
// Set default remote authorization path
$REMOTE_AUTH_URL = “http://vlex.com/session/remote_auth”;

// Sort $data checking that required parameters are present
$keys = array(“external_id”, “account_id”, “token”);
foreach($keys as $key) {
if(!isset($data[$key])) throw new Exception(“Missing parameter: $key”);
$values[$key] = $data[$key];

// Add timestamp
$values[“timestamp”] = time();

// Add hash from the concatenated data
$values[“hash”] = md5(implode($values));

// delete token

// Generate the query and return the URL
$query = http_build_query($values); // name=yourname&email=…
return “$REMOTE_AUTH_URL?$query”;

/* Example
$my_data = array(“account_id” => “1153293675”, “token” => “7wOfPOL1eZE8MDxUPEn1v6Vc4kqtkQXigWessShPpEcGWAFZ”, “external_id” => “id1153293675”);
$single_sing_on = remote_auth($my_data);
header(“Location: “.$single_sing_on);